"The remains of more than 2,000 foetuses, thought to be from illegal abortions, have been found at a Buddhist temple in Thailand.
Police were alerted by a terrible smell after the temple's furnace broke down.
Two temple workers and a woman believed to have been paid to collect and dispose of foetuses from illegal abortion clinics have been arrested." BBC News.
This is a terrible news! Temple pa jud!! What's disturbing are those plastics. I wonder how many of these so called temples exist in thailand. But this isnt a surprise in thailand, they are well known for being wicked in terms of s3x. Just look at those Gay Pageants that they're so proud about.
Is this what they call "AMAZING THAILAND"???
Any topics, articles, posts, etc. are going to be all under the sun! Freedom! :)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Relationship 101
Okay, I may not answer all your questions because I accept the truth that me, myself and all of us doesn't know all the answers. To those feelings that are perplexed and in confusion, YOU, yourself can fix it because you're the only one who knows what battle is going on inside you.
I'm just sharing this with you guys. Okay. Here we go.
How to get attention - Just be yourself. Have a character, like an outstanding quality or trait. Focus on your strengths and be very confident. Also, make sure you look him in the eyes and smile.
Once you've got the attention, how do you start a conversation - Always ask the person about themselves. If you're talking, always say something that makes sens. It helps to read and to know what's going on with the world. On the other hand, if you're on the listening end, make sure you pay attention so that you can keep the conversation going.
How will you know if someone is secretly crushing on you? - That person keeps on texting--- with smileys, laughs (hehe, haha, nyahaha, etc. - but don't assume too much because this might be a sign that the person is jolly) and "mwahs" or "xoxo's".
If that person is uneasy when you're around you then it could be a sign that he/she probably likes you. Or if that person keeps checking you out in a subtle way. A stolen glance would be a good example. In most cases, you can tell by the way that person looks you in the eyes and leans forward when that person talks to you or when that person really goes out of his/her way to do something for you to communicate with you. For instance, that person will buzzed you everytime you go online (Facebook, YM, etc.) That person may even suddenly send you quotable quotes, or sweet and inspirational messages.
Ask yourself, does that person treats you the same way your guy/girl friends do? If the answer is NO, the that's a different story.
When in doubt, consult with others. Ask your friends! Just don't assume.
How can a you tell if the person is being sincere?- Do your research. I'm not saying stalk him/her, but try to get to know that persons friends and where that person hangs-out.
I think the most important thing is not to rush into a relationship without completely knowing the person. If you enjoy somebody's company, take your time, enjoy what you have, and get to know the person thoroughly.
You can never really tell until you've spent a certain length of time together. The longer you stick around and the more experiences you have together, the more you'll know
My advice---don't fall in love so hard that you give yourself completely away. Keep something for yourself all the time.
When you are not interested to a person, how should you break? - Be very straightforward. Don't sugarcoat it too much, but don't be mean. Just be honest and say it as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
You can say, "I'm too busy right now." or "I have no time for a relationship."
What do you think is the best fix for a broken heart? - Lean on your friends. That's why it's always good to have a solid group of friends. Give yourself time to get over it. Don't expect to be okay right away.
It's very hard to mend a broken heart because everything gets messed up. It's a schizophrenic stage---sometimes you're happy, sometimes you're sad. One minute you want him/her back, the next minute you don't want anything to do with that person.
The best way to mend a broken heart is to divert your attention elsewhere. Do something that will strengthen you as a person. Working out always makes you feel good about yourself. You can hang-out with your friends and buddies. Always look at the bigger picture. Learn to see everything as an experience that will make you a better person and lead you to realize what you really want.
What's the most important thing to remember when you're in a relationship - Don't dictate what your partner is supposed to do. Let that person be, and just be there to support that person. It's inevitable that you guys are going to fight and have rough times. There's no perfect relationship. But learn to appreciate the person for who he or she is. Also, do not let the relationship hinder your growth.
You're still young. Make sure you allow yourself to experience new things, to grow, and to develop your own personality.
At this stage in your life, the most important person to be yourself should be YOU!
I'm just sharing this with you guys. Okay. Here we go.
How to get attention - Just be yourself. Have a character, like an outstanding quality or trait. Focus on your strengths and be very confident. Also, make sure you look him in the eyes and smile.
Once you've got the attention, how do you start a conversation - Always ask the person about themselves. If you're talking, always say something that makes sens. It helps to read and to know what's going on with the world. On the other hand, if you're on the listening end, make sure you pay attention so that you can keep the conversation going.
How will you know if someone is secretly crushing on you? - That person keeps on texting--- with smileys, laughs (hehe, haha, nyahaha, etc. - but don't assume too much because this might be a sign that the person is jolly) and "mwahs" or "xoxo's".
If that person is uneasy when you're around you then it could be a sign that he/she probably likes you. Or if that person keeps checking you out in a subtle way. A stolen glance would be a good example. In most cases, you can tell by the way that person looks you in the eyes and leans forward when that person talks to you or when that person really goes out of his/her way to do something for you to communicate with you. For instance, that person will buzzed you everytime you go online (Facebook, YM, etc.) That person may even suddenly send you quotable quotes, or sweet and inspirational messages.
Ask yourself, does that person treats you the same way your guy/girl friends do? If the answer is NO, the that's a different story.
When in doubt, consult with others. Ask your friends! Just don't assume.
How can a you tell if the person is being sincere?- Do your research. I'm not saying stalk him/her, but try to get to know that persons friends and where that person hangs-out.
I think the most important thing is not to rush into a relationship without completely knowing the person. If you enjoy somebody's company, take your time, enjoy what you have, and get to know the person thoroughly.
You can never really tell until you've spent a certain length of time together. The longer you stick around and the more experiences you have together, the more you'll know
My advice---don't fall in love so hard that you give yourself completely away. Keep something for yourself all the time.
When you are not interested to a person, how should you break? - Be very straightforward. Don't sugarcoat it too much, but don't be mean. Just be honest and say it as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
You can say, "I'm too busy right now." or "I have no time for a relationship."
What do you think is the best fix for a broken heart? - Lean on your friends. That's why it's always good to have a solid group of friends. Give yourself time to get over it. Don't expect to be okay right away.
It's very hard to mend a broken heart because everything gets messed up. It's a schizophrenic stage---sometimes you're happy, sometimes you're sad. One minute you want him/her back, the next minute you don't want anything to do with that person.
The best way to mend a broken heart is to divert your attention elsewhere. Do something that will strengthen you as a person. Working out always makes you feel good about yourself. You can hang-out with your friends and buddies. Always look at the bigger picture. Learn to see everything as an experience that will make you a better person and lead you to realize what you really want.
What's the most important thing to remember when you're in a relationship - Don't dictate what your partner is supposed to do. Let that person be, and just be there to support that person. It's inevitable that you guys are going to fight and have rough times. There's no perfect relationship. But learn to appreciate the person for who he or she is. Also, do not let the relationship hinder your growth.
You're still young. Make sure you allow yourself to experience new things, to grow, and to develop your own personality.
At this stage in your life, the most important person to be yourself should be YOU!
Friday, November 19, 2010
26 Funny Effective Ways to get a Girlfriend

1. When she asks how she looks, shrug and say "could be better."
This will keep her on her toes, and girls love that.
2. Never hold her hand. This can be interpreted as a sign of weakness.
If she grabs your hand, squeeze hers really hard until she cries (this
will impress her by showing her what a strong man you are).
3. Once a month, sneak up on her from behind and knock her over. Girls
are like dogs; they love to be roughed up.
4. Call her in the middle of the night to ask if she's sleeping. If
she is, say "you better be." Repeat this 4 or 5 times until morning. This will
show her you care.
5. When she is upset about something, suggest to her that it might be
her fault. This will pave the way for her own personal improvement, and
every girl needs some improvement.
6. Recognize the small things, as they usually mean the most. Then
when she's sleeping, steal all her small things and break them, because
jewelry is for pussies and Asian ladies.
7. If you're talking to another girl, make sure she's looking. When
she is, stare into her eyes, mouth the words "F UCK you" and grab the other
girl's ass. Girls love competition.
8. Tell her you're taking her out to dinner. Drive for miles so she
thinks it's going to be really special. Then take her to a burning tire yard.
When she starts to get upset, tell her you were just kidding and now you're
really going to take her to dinner. Then drive her home. When she
starts crying and asks why you would do something like that, lean over and
whisper very quietly into her ear "...because I can."
9. Introduce her to your friends as "some chick." Women love those
special nicknames.
10. Play with her hair. Play with it HARD.
11. Warm her up when she's cold...and not by giving her your jacket,
because then you might get cold. Rather, look her in the eye and say
"if you don't stop *****ing about the cold right now, you're going to be
*****ing about a black eye." The best way to get warm is with fear.
12. Take her to a party. When you get there, she'll have to go to the
bathroom (they always do). Leave immediately. Come back right when the
party is dying and yell at her the whole way home for ditching you all
13. Make her laugh. A good way to do this is if she has a small pet.
Kick the pet. I always find stuff like that funny...why shouldn't girls?
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms. When she's fast asleep, wait 10
minutes, then jump up and scream in her ear. Repeat until she goes
home and you can use your arms for more important things (like basketball).
15. Spit often. I hear girls like guys that spit.
16. If you care about her, never ever tell her. This will only give
her self-confidence, then you can never turn her into the object she deep
down desires to be.
17. Every time you're in her house, steal one of her shoes, earrings
or anything else that comes in pairs. Only take one of the pair. This
way, she'll go crazy.
18. Take her out to dinner. Right when she's about to order, interrupt
and say "no, she's not hungry." Make her watch you eat. Girls love a guy
that speaks for her.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile. Then punch her in the face. Girls
love a spontaneous guy.
20. Give her one of your t-shirts, and make sure it has your smell on
it (but not a sexy cologne smell...a bad smell. You know what I'm talking
21. When it's raining, keep asking her if she's crying. She'll say
"no, it's just the rain." Ten minutes later, turn to her and just scream at
her to stop crying. Girls like a tough man.
22. Titty twisters and plenty of them.
23. If you're listening to music, and she asks to hear it, tell her
no. This way she'll think you're mysterious.
24. Remember her birthday, but don't get her anything. Teach her that
material objects arent important. The only thing that's important is
that she keeps you happy, and your happiness is the greatest present she
can ever get.
25. When she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas or just
whenever, take it and tell her you love it. Then, next time you know
she's coming over on a trash day, leave the trash can open and have the
present visibly sticking out of the can. Girls actually don't like this one
that much, but I think it's funny.
26. If she's mad at you for not calling her when you say you will,
promise her that you will call her at a certain time of the day. This will
make sure that she waits by the phone. Tell her when you call that you're
going to tell her a special surprise. Now she'll be really excited. Don't
Sunday, November 14, 2010
To Guys: What are Every Girl's Dream?
I asked this question to 5 of my board mates and here are their replies:
1. Get kissed in the rain -
2. Have that one hot kiss where you're pressed
against the wall
3. Have a guy that thinks you're the world
4. Have a guy that holds on as long as possible
when giving hugs
5. A boy that whispers he loves you in your ear
6. Have that moment where you just gaze into
each other's eyes
7. When you cry, he kisses your tears away.
8. When you're not with your guy he's all that you
can think about
9. Wearing his jacket and everytime you breath in, his scent surrounds you
10. A guy who will watch any movie with you, no matter how teary eyed you may get.
11. A guy who squeezes your hand
12. A boy that says he loves you and means it
13. A guy that will play her favorite song outside her window
14. A guy who is loyal
15. A guy that will sing to you no matter how bad he is at it.
16. A guy that will kiss you on the forehead.
17. A guy that will call you beautiful or
adorable...not hot, fine, or sexy
18. A guy that will never judge you for how you look.
19. A boy that says cheezy stuff to you just to make u smile
20. A boy that is the same when he is with you and when with friends
21. A boy that tells you everything honestly
22. A boy that is good with your family and introduces you to his family
23. A guy that will always let you win
24. A guy who stands up for you no matter who it is against
25. A guy who calls you at night just to say 'hi' and see how your day has been
26. A boy who tells you that your smile makes his day and makes everything better
27. A boy who will sit on the phone with you when you're sad, even if you're quiet
28. A boy who you can hangout and have fun with
29. A boy that will just randomly call you for no reason at all, just because he missed you
30. A guy who will hold your hand through the roughest parts of life.
31. A guy who would love you forever no matter the circumstance.
32. A guy who wouldn't mind you wanting to get all dressed up and do your make up for him. Even if he says he likes you better without make up.
33. A guy who you can be yourself with and he will never give a care and would still tell you that you are amazing to him.
34. A guy who runs his fingers through your hair, like he's washing your worries/troubles away.
35. A guy who tells you you make his day better, just for being you!
and another... this is a response from Kathy.. Haay, Kath, you're really really ----! hehehe..
>> a guy who is always wheeling to do what ever a girl wants to do
>> a guy who has a good family bankground
1. Get kissed in the rain -
2. Have that one hot kiss where you're pressed
against the wall
3. Have a guy that thinks you're the world
4. Have a guy that holds on as long as possible
when giving hugs
5. A boy that whispers he loves you in your ear
6. Have that moment where you just gaze into
each other's eyes
7. When you cry, he kisses your tears away.
8. When you're not with your guy he's all that you
can think about
9. Wearing his jacket and everytime you breath in, his scent surrounds you
10. A guy who will watch any movie with you, no matter how teary eyed you may get.
11. A guy who squeezes your hand
12. A boy that says he loves you and means it
13. A guy that will play her favorite song outside her window
14. A guy who is loyal
15. A guy that will sing to you no matter how bad he is at it.
16. A guy that will kiss you on the forehead.
17. A guy that will call you beautiful or
adorable...not hot, fine, or sexy
18. A guy that will never judge you for how you look.
19. A boy that says cheezy stuff to you just to make u smile
20. A boy that is the same when he is with you and when with friends
21. A boy that tells you everything honestly
22. A boy that is good with your family and introduces you to his family
23. A guy that will always let you win
24. A guy who stands up for you no matter who it is against
25. A guy who calls you at night just to say 'hi' and see how your day has been
26. A boy who tells you that your smile makes his day and makes everything better
27. A boy who will sit on the phone with you when you're sad, even if you're quiet
28. A boy who you can hangout and have fun with
29. A boy that will just randomly call you for no reason at all, just because he missed you
30. A guy who will hold your hand through the roughest parts of life.
31. A guy who would love you forever no matter the circumstance.
32. A guy who wouldn't mind you wanting to get all dressed up and do your make up for him. Even if he says he likes you better without make up.
33. A guy who you can be yourself with and he will never give a care and would still tell you that you are amazing to him.
34. A guy who runs his fingers through your hair, like he's washing your worries/troubles away.
35. A guy who tells you you make his day better, just for being you!
and another... this is a response from Kathy.. Haay, Kath, you're really really ----! hehehe..
>> a guy who is always wheeling to do what ever a girl wants to do
>> a guy who has a good family bankground
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Tips: First Date (My own POV)
This article is to all guys who are still afraid to ask a girl na mkig-date kay hadlok ma-reject, and also to girls nga dili ganahan mkig-date kay basin ma-turn off iya partner. Hehehe. I'm giving you tips na pwede ninyo sundon. Kung dili ka agree ani, ok lang. Sa ako lang ni mga bay..
Lisod jud ning first date mga bay. Nervous ka, imu sad date kulbaan. Hehehe. Normal lang na. Halos tanan singles ni-admit that nga ang pag-start off on the right foot can be tricky. Kamung duha actually nagpanagana db?
Sa kadugay ninyo pag-inistoryahanay, siyempre, you will likely talk about mga topics og sometimes will lead sa inyo nga magka-sumpaki mo. And both of you will say, "uh-oh, wrong move, i'm doomed!" hehehe...
So when you're about to meet someone for the first time, avoid these topics sa inyo conversation more or less..
- Kung mag-talk man gani mo about ani, be sure lang na general terms lang. Remember na dapat inyo first date should be happy na occasion dili makig-debate. Naa may lugar og time sunod di ba?T
- Ayaw tawon pag-ingon ingon nga "hey, you look prettier than my ex gf" or "may pa ka gentleman, ako bitaw ex-bf, wa juy buot" and the like. It will only serve to take attention away from the person currently sitting in front of you. Mentioning an old flame is like inviting them out on your date, and we all know that's a bad idea.
- First date pa gani, nag-mention nka og sex. Of course, gusto nimu mahibaw-an unsa iya views ana but brod, ayaw sa pod ron. Doing so will only make you sound either desperate or prudish. Makabalo ra man pod ka diba kung naa moy chemistry soon.
The Future
- First date pa gani, mag-ask na ka pila imu gusto nga anak or when ka gusto kaslon, desperado or desperada kaayo imung dagway ana.. Hahaha. Curious ka pero sunod nlang jud.
- Kung dili man gani mo same og religion, ayaw lang sa pod i-open ni nga topic kay basin mag-debate ra mo. Very strong ra ba ang views sa uban basta kani na ang hisgutan, ambot kung pride ba ni. Yes, ang faith is a big part of your relationship if mag-serious namung duha pero ayaw lang sa hishuti sa first date. Again.
Medical Problems
- Talking sa inyo medical history labi na sa imung kaliwat will just give the situation a negative atmosphere.Og kanang mag-drama mo na "u know what, sometimes, musakit akong heart, murag kamatyonon na ko" - naay uban ma-turn off ana. Murag pressuron nimu ang girl or ipalabas nimu na looy ka.
Your lousy day at work
- If you talk about your job, ayaw apila nang "boring ayo ako work oi, samok amu boss, cgeg sugo". Kay ma-boringan lang inyo ka-date ana. You appear to your ka-date na walay ayo imong kinabuhi.
Celebrity gossip
- Okay lang mag-estorya mo og news. Ayaw lang na apila ang showbiz. Like "hoi, kaila ka sa bag-ong gf ni sam milby or na-crush bya q ni aki sa survivor, kaila ka niya?" You appear na chismoso or intrigero ka kay in-touch kaayo ka sa mga tawo bisan dili nimu kaila.
- O, ayaw tawon dayon pangutana kung " pila iya sweldo, pila ang utang, naa kay credit card?" Remember, you are getting to know someone in a socially fun way, dili ay mura kag naghimu og heavy background search on him or her.
Your most outrageous moments
- Ayaw sa hisguti ang mga most embarrasing or most outrageous na nangahitabo sa imung life. Kanang na-aresto ka, nahubog ka, nahulog ka sa hagdan sa hotel. Even if you fully embrace your embarrassing, stupid, or ridiculous moments, don’t use them as anecdotes on a first date. As you and your date become serious, you will naturally share this type of information with each other, but sa first date, better option is to keep the conversation light and fun while at the same time mag-ask ka og questions that will allow you na mailhan pa nimu cya king kinsa jud cya.
So remember lang nga dapat enjoy inyo first date.. Ayaw pag-drama, ayaw pag-emote, ayaw pag-expect too much na mura nakag nag-background check niya. Enjoy lang sa gud. I-enjoy ang food... Joke. Hehehe.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
TYPES OF KISSES: Have You Tried Them Already?
Below you will find a variety of kiss types. If you find some that catch your fancy, feel free to try them
If you happen to try it already, how does it feel
Butterfly Kiss - With your faces less than a breath away, open and close your eyelids against your partners. If done correctly, the fluttering sensation will match the one in your heart.
Cheek Kiss - A friendly, "I really like you" kiss. Often the preferred kissing method of a first date. With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek.
Earlobe Kiss - Gently sip and suck the earlobe. Avoid louder sucking noises as ears are sensitized noise detectors.
Eskimo Kiss - With your faces less than a breath apart, gently rub your noses together.
Eye Kiss - Hold your partner's head with both hands and slowly move their head in the direction you wish your kiss to go... then slowly kiss up towards your partner's eyes and give them a tender kiss on top of their closed eyes.
Eyelid Kiss - While your partner is resting/sleeping with eyes closed, very very gently kiss the spot right below their browbone. A very intimate kiss.
Finger Kiss - While laying together gently suck on their fingers. This can be very seductive and pleasurable.
Foot Kiss - An erotic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it! To give a toe kiss by gently suck the toes and then lightly kissing the foot. It helps to gently massage the base of the foot while performing the kiss.
Forehead Kiss - The "motherly" kiss or "just friends" kiss. The forehead kiss can be a comforting kiss to anyone. Simply brush your lips lightly across the crown of their head.
Freeze Kiss (or Melt Kiss) - Experiment with this fun kiss. Put a small piece of ice in your mouth, then open mouth and kiss your partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It's an erotic and sensual french kiss with a twist of cold.
French Kiss - The kiss involving the tongue. Some call this the "Soul Kiss" because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth's breath in the exchange across tongues. Surprisingly, the French call this "The English Kiss".
Fruity Kiss - Take a small piece of fruit and place between your lips (juicy fruits such as grapes, strawberries, small pieces of pineapple or mango are ideal). Kiss your partner and nibble one half of the piece of fruit while they nibble the other until it breaks in half, allowing the juice to run into your mouths.
Hand Kiss - Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the top of her hand. Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed deference to a lady.
Hickey Kiss - The object is not to draw blood, but to gently leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often included in erotic foreplay.
Hostage Kiss - Cover your lips with tape and get your love's attention. When they come near, make noises like you're trying to tell them something and motion as if you can't get the tape off. Once they remove the tape from you to hear what you're trying to say tell them: "I've been saving my lips all day just for you!" Then kiss your love passionately!
Hot and Cold Kiss - Lick your partner's lips so that they're warm, and then gently blow on them. The sudden cold blast makes for a sensual explosion, and they will often try it on you next, as well as get very passionate.
Mistletoe Kiss - Surprise your lover by capturing them with a gentle holiday kiss under the mistletoe. This is also a good method for shyer individuals to steal a kiss from a potential lover.
Letter Kiss - Send your lover a kiss in a love letter by writing the letter x several times in a row at the bottom of a letter such as XXXXX.
Lick Kiss - Just before kissing, gently run your tongue along you partners lip whether it be the top or bottom one depending on the position of your lips. Very sensual.
Lip Sucking Kiss - When kissing gently suck on their lower lip. This can be very exciting.
Neck Nibble Kiss - Gently nibble up and down your partners neck. End with a gentle kiss on the lips.
Nip Kiss - This kiss can create a very erotic sensation. While kissing your partner, ever so gently nibble on their lips. You must be very careful not to bite to hard or hurt your partner. When done correctly, this kiss ignites wonderful sensations.
Reverse Lips Kiss - It involves standing above your lover and kissing them from over their head. This way, each kisser can take the hyper-sensitive bottom lip of thier lover in their mouths, and GENTLY draw blood to the surface of the lip by nibbling and sucking. A very sensuous, connecting kiss.
Searching The Cavern - Use the lips and tongue to gently tickle and kiss your lover's navel. Vary speeds and stroke to change sensation. Invigorating and intoxicating.
Shoulder Kiss - Simply come from behind, embrace her, and kiss the top of her shoulder. This is a sensual, loving kiss.
Sip Kiss - Take a small sip of your favorite drink. Leaving a little bit of it on your lips, kiss your partner. It is a unique way to create a sensual feeling and your partner will enjoy it.
Talking Kiss - Whisper sweet nothings into your partner's mouth. If caught in the act, simply say as Chico Marx, "I wasn't kissing her. I was whispering into her mouth."
Teaser Kiss - Starting on the forehead, a sweet short kiss on lips, then move up the arms up to her hand, kiss her hand, then come back up her arm, to her face and then lightly kiss her lips till she wants a passionate kiss.
The Buzzing Kiss - Gently place your lips against your lover's neck , behind their ear. Now, send a shudder through their skin by gently growling and humming, vibrating your lips and cheeks as you do so. Move up and down the neck, over the bones of the face and lips. Stimulating and erotic when done correctly.
The Whipped Cream Kiss - Dip your finger into some cool whip or whipped cream of your choice. Lick it off slowly, then embrace your partner and kiss them deeply letting their tongue slip over yours for a wonderfully sweet kiss. It's very seductive and passionate.
Tiger Kiss - Quietly sneak up behind your partner making sure they do not know what you are going to do. Out of the blue, grab them and gently bite their neck. Make sure to get a few good growls in too. This will surely surprise them.
Trickle Kiss - Take a sip of a favourite drink and trickle it slowly into partner's mouth while kissing.
Tongue Sucking - A variation of the French kiss. During an open-mouth kiss gently suck on your partner's tongue (not too hard because it may hurt). Very sexy
Quickie Kiss - When you're in a rush. Often the nose gets it rather than the lips.
Vacuum Kiss - While kissing open-mouthed, slightly suck in as if you were sucking the air from your partners mouth. This is a playful kiss.
Wake Up Kiss - Before your partner awakes lean over and kiss their cheek and move over giving soft kisses until you reach their lips. Definitely a more than pleasant way to wake up!
OK, some of this are kinda PG-18 type... hehehe! Some are, i know for sure, you've tried it already guys..
Butterfly Kiss - With your faces less than a breath away, open and close your eyelids against your partners. If done correctly, the fluttering sensation will match the one in your heart.
Cheek Kiss - A friendly, "I really like you" kiss. Often the preferred kissing method of a first date. With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek.
Earlobe Kiss - Gently sip and suck the earlobe. Avoid louder sucking noises as ears are sensitized noise detectors.
Eskimo Kiss - With your faces less than a breath apart, gently rub your noses together.
Eye Kiss - Hold your partner's head with both hands and slowly move their head in the direction you wish your kiss to go... then slowly kiss up towards your partner's eyes and give them a tender kiss on top of their closed eyes.
Eyelid Kiss - While your partner is resting/sleeping with eyes closed, very very gently kiss the spot right below their browbone. A very intimate kiss.
Finger Kiss - While laying together gently suck on their fingers. This can be very seductive and pleasurable.
Foot Kiss - An erotic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it! To give a toe kiss by gently suck the toes and then lightly kissing the foot. It helps to gently massage the base of the foot while performing the kiss.
Forehead Kiss - The "motherly" kiss or "just friends" kiss. The forehead kiss can be a comforting kiss to anyone. Simply brush your lips lightly across the crown of their head.
Freeze Kiss (or Melt Kiss) - Experiment with this fun kiss. Put a small piece of ice in your mouth, then open mouth and kiss your partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It's an erotic and sensual french kiss with a twist of cold.
French Kiss - The kiss involving the tongue. Some call this the "Soul Kiss" because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth's breath in the exchange across tongues. Surprisingly, the French call this "The English Kiss".
Fruity Kiss - Take a small piece of fruit and place between your lips (juicy fruits such as grapes, strawberries, small pieces of pineapple or mango are ideal). Kiss your partner and nibble one half of the piece of fruit while they nibble the other until it breaks in half, allowing the juice to run into your mouths.
Hand Kiss - Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the top of her hand. Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed deference to a lady.
Hickey Kiss - The object is not to draw blood, but to gently leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often included in erotic foreplay.
Hostage Kiss - Cover your lips with tape and get your love's attention. When they come near, make noises like you're trying to tell them something and motion as if you can't get the tape off. Once they remove the tape from you to hear what you're trying to say tell them: "I've been saving my lips all day just for you!" Then kiss your love passionately!
Hot and Cold Kiss - Lick your partner's lips so that they're warm, and then gently blow on them. The sudden cold blast makes for a sensual explosion, and they will often try it on you next, as well as get very passionate.
Mistletoe Kiss - Surprise your lover by capturing them with a gentle holiday kiss under the mistletoe. This is also a good method for shyer individuals to steal a kiss from a potential lover.
Letter Kiss - Send your lover a kiss in a love letter by writing the letter x several times in a row at the bottom of a letter such as XXXXX.
Lick Kiss - Just before kissing, gently run your tongue along you partners lip whether it be the top or bottom one depending on the position of your lips. Very sensual.
Lip Sucking Kiss - When kissing gently suck on their lower lip. This can be very exciting.
Neck Nibble Kiss - Gently nibble up and down your partners neck. End with a gentle kiss on the lips.
Nip Kiss - This kiss can create a very erotic sensation. While kissing your partner, ever so gently nibble on their lips. You must be very careful not to bite to hard or hurt your partner. When done correctly, this kiss ignites wonderful sensations.
Reverse Lips Kiss - It involves standing above your lover and kissing them from over their head. This way, each kisser can take the hyper-sensitive bottom lip of thier lover in their mouths, and GENTLY draw blood to the surface of the lip by nibbling and sucking. A very sensuous, connecting kiss.
Searching The Cavern - Use the lips and tongue to gently tickle and kiss your lover's navel. Vary speeds and stroke to change sensation. Invigorating and intoxicating.
Shoulder Kiss - Simply come from behind, embrace her, and kiss the top of her shoulder. This is a sensual, loving kiss.
Sip Kiss - Take a small sip of your favorite drink. Leaving a little bit of it on your lips, kiss your partner. It is a unique way to create a sensual feeling and your partner will enjoy it.
Talking Kiss - Whisper sweet nothings into your partner's mouth. If caught in the act, simply say as Chico Marx, "I wasn't kissing her. I was whispering into her mouth."
Teaser Kiss - Starting on the forehead, a sweet short kiss on lips, then move up the arms up to her hand, kiss her hand, then come back up her arm, to her face and then lightly kiss her lips till she wants a passionate kiss.
The Buzzing Kiss - Gently place your lips against your lover's neck , behind their ear. Now, send a shudder through their skin by gently growling and humming, vibrating your lips and cheeks as you do so. Move up and down the neck, over the bones of the face and lips. Stimulating and erotic when done correctly.
The Whipped Cream Kiss - Dip your finger into some cool whip or whipped cream of your choice. Lick it off slowly, then embrace your partner and kiss them deeply letting their tongue slip over yours for a wonderfully sweet kiss. It's very seductive and passionate.
Tiger Kiss - Quietly sneak up behind your partner making sure they do not know what you are going to do. Out of the blue, grab them and gently bite their neck. Make sure to get a few good growls in too. This will surely surprise them.
Trickle Kiss - Take a sip of a favourite drink and trickle it slowly into partner's mouth while kissing.
Tongue Sucking - A variation of the French kiss. During an open-mouth kiss gently suck on your partner's tongue (not too hard because it may hurt). Very sexy
Quickie Kiss - When you're in a rush. Often the nose gets it rather than the lips.
Vacuum Kiss - While kissing open-mouthed, slightly suck in as if you were sucking the air from your partners mouth. This is a playful kiss.
Wake Up Kiss - Before your partner awakes lean over and kiss their cheek and move over giving soft kisses until you reach their lips. Definitely a more than pleasant way to wake up!
OK, some of this are kinda PG-18 type... hehehe! Some are, i know for sure, you've tried it already guys..
Friday, November 5, 2010
100 Things Anime Can Teach You
100 things I learned in anime.
1. Any color ever imagined is a natural hair color.
2. No matter where you are hit or how minor the injury you will bleed out of your mouth.
3. All living things(and some non-living things) contain 50 gallons of blood and every single bit will pour out or shoot out geiser style if you get injured.
4. Nver truse the bald guy. Even if he isn't pure evil, he'll have a major case of ass-holeishness.
5. Nobody's hair is subject to the laws of gravity.
6. It's not really a dog, it's never really a dog.
7. The old guy is the most perverted person ever. Or the most powerful. Or both.
8. Not showing your whole face doubles or triples your power.
9. Other worlds are found in incredibly random places.
10. He's your father.
11. If it talks to you, you're crazy.
12. If it talks to everyone but you, you're crazy.
13. Your eyes must be 3x the size of your nose.
14. You don't necessarily need a nose.
15. Being friends with the main character will automatically cause freaky stuff to happen to you.
16. Your hair will blow in the wind during a dramatic moment even in pouring rain or when there is no other breeze for 50 miles.
17. You're never too young to fight monsters.
18. If you are a girl, your panties will be shown at least once, no matter what.
19. They will be either all white, or have some kind of animal on them.
20. If you're a girl, the less clothes you wear the better you are at fighting.
21. Or you will be compleetly annoying and of no use at all, and will probably either get in the way or cry hysterically. Or do both at the same time.
22. No matter how small you are, you can totally lift that weapon.
23. If you're cute enough, bubbles will spontaneously erupt behind you at random moments.
24. If it's undenyably impossible in real life, don't worry, you can totally pull it off.
25. There is always at least one lesbian, always...
26. Sleeping heals everything...EVERYTHING. So do bandages around your stomach.
27. The robots will either be the size of a skyscraper or the size of a pencil case. Or they can do both. Or be a car.
28. Pupils? Psh, who needs em. Most likely if you don't have pupils, you have better power than those who do.
29. The cuter the animal is the more gruesome it will be when it kills you.
30. Travel of any form will either take 3 seconds, or 30 episodes.
31. Staying in one place for more than one season is referred to as 'being on Namek'.
32. Questioning the main character will get you killed, or at least smacked.
33. Questioning anything about the world you live in or the world you were somehow sent to will get you killed, or at least smacked.
34. If you find yourself a.) 2 feet taller or b.) 3 cup sizes bigger. Congratulations, you have just been through a time skip.
35. You will either have to save your sister or kill your brother. Or both.
36. One punch will fling you through a wall. And you will stand up, wipe off the dust, and be fine.
37. There is at least two people wearing goggles.
38. No matter how many explosions you survive, the love interest can kill you with one shot.
39. It will take either 297 episodes for the love interest to kiss you or it will never happen.
40. No matter how ugly you are, wings make you amazingly hott.
41. You're lips don't really have to match what you're saying.
42. You will sound absoutely horrible in english.
43. The day you find the robot in the trash will be the best day of your life, no matter what.
44. If it has more than two tails, it'll totally kick your ass.
45. Screaming for an obnoxiously long period of time or drawing out the name of your attack for a full minute will make it awesome, no matter what.
46. The girl in the schoolgirl uniform is way more powerfull than you.
47. The longer the guy's hair, or the worse his attitude the sexier everyone thinks he is.
48. Flashbacks...many of them.
49. Slow motion...alot of it.
50. Every fight will contain a clip of a perticularly good hit and will show it at least three times in 12 different angles and at least one close up.
51. You will be asked to do totally random and pointless things for filler while the writers try to catch up.
52. If your boobs wouldn't break your spine in real life then you probably won't last for more than a few episodes.
53. Your outfit will defy gravity.
54. If you stand on or near a cliff, you will have a painfull flashback.
55. Epic battle music.
56. Dramatic close ups.
57. It's not facepaint, it's a birthmark. Or sleep deprivation.
58. The ancient prophecy will always turn out bad for you.
59. You will either be an orphan or be asked to kill a family member.
60. The main bad guy with either want to take over somtihng or destroy somthing, or both.
61. The opening sequence has absolutely nothing to do with the main story, but looks really good anyway.
62. Somebody has magical powers.
63. Nobody has body hair unless it's there for a joke.
64. There will be long boring speeches explaining why the good guy is good and why the bad guy is bad and how the bad guy is, better than, or just like the good guy because of these reasons.
65. The bad guy will try to bring the good guy over to his side.
66. The title doesn't have to have anything to do with the story, or even make sense.
67.Someone has amnesia, or at least has forgotten some important event.
68. The quiet girl is in love with you, and the girl you love either doesn't know, doesn't care, or loves your bitter rival.
69. Nobody ever has to use the bathroom, unless it's for a joke.
70. Somebody will have some sort of transformation, probably into an animal.
71. If you are so much as in the same episode as somebody else, there is automatically a group of rabbid fans drawing what your kids would look like.
72. Everyone's eyebrows are either one line or very wierd looking.
73. Extreem blushing.
74. The smallest person will eat the most food.
75. There will always be a giant version of some animal. And you will either have to ride it, kill it, or protect it.
76. There will be at least one overly muscular stupid guy.
77. If you can't tell if it's a boy or a girl, even after you hear them talk, it's probably a boy.
78. Cross-dressing will be required to get away from a bad guy, and the task will probably fall to either the main character, or the biggest ugliest guy on the team.
79. Shadows do not have to make sence.
80. If you're eye is covered by hair, it will take somthing like a nuclear explosion to move it. Or a plot device.
81. Dramatic lighting and single rays of light can turn any moment into a profound and meaningful moment.
82. Breathing under water? Totally possible.
83. Any character can be subject to a dramatic gender change at random.
84. If a hat is a regular part of your normal outfit you could be hanging upside down underwater on the moon and it will stay on.
85. Space is totally habitable.
86. Lazers out of any body part is always helpful.
87. Nothing in the entire series has to make any sence.
88. Anything can be a pet, if you can catch it.
89. Anything, no matter how big, can be shoved into a little ball and released into a fight at random.
90. You can be 10 years old for 12 years.
91. No matter what the bad guy's evil plan is, it requires the love interest in some way shape or form.
92. Your new move, while powerfull, will either risk your life every time, or will only be seen twice.
93. Your super secret special weapon won't work the way you intended.
94. The people who live in the 90 degree weather will wear black.
95. Guitars make great weapons.
96. There will be an episode where the main character takes his shirt off. It's just for the fangirls. Enjoy.
97. Full frontal, yet 'cleverly' censored nudity will always end badly.
98. Hotsprings can be found anywhere.
99. Everything a character says can be turned into innuendo.
100. 500 episodes or 14, the ending will always suck.
by rideaseeker629
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Timeless Traits You Should Have
While fashion may change with the times, having the right attitude never goes out of style!
Being Respectful - Politeness doesn't fade with time, while being rude or disrespectful to others has never been cool. Bear in mind that a harsh word can spell the difference between having a good or bad relationship with others. Respect begets respect---when you are considerate to others, they will show respect for you as well.
Say "po" and "opo" to elders, including your household help, the village security guard, and those who serve you lunch at the canteen/cafeteria. When you feel like you're about to have a brat attack (whether big or small), hold it right there. Think of the possible consequences your words or actions might create.
Being attentive to others - Giving your undivided attention to the person you're with shows that you're genuinely interested in what he or she is saying. Using your cellphone or checking your watch all the time while talking to someone can give the signal that you are bored and you wish you were somewhere else.
When talking to someone, look the person in the eyes and pay attention to what the person is saying. If you absolutely need to text or answer a call, excuse yourself. Think it this way---you wouldn't want others to listen to their iPod while you're speaking, would you?
Being Courteous - Remember when your parents told you to say the "magic words" when asking for something? Well, what you learned in kindergarten stands true until today. Saying "please", "thank you", and "sorry" are basic units of courtesy. These words show how much you value a person or an object.
Just because you're all grown up doesn't mean you're exempted from saying these simple yet often forgotten words. Whenever you say "please" or "thank you", accompany them with a smile. If you are saying "sorry", make sure it's a genuine apology.
Being Punctual - Don't you just hate it when you spend so much time waiting for people who are late? Being punctual shows that you respect other people's time. If your group agrees to meet a certain time for an activity, for instance, one person's delay creates a ripple-effect. Thus, the activity ends later than expected.
Being punctual is an attitude you must develop because it fosters professionalism, which you'll need in college and when you start working.
Avoid being labeled as the perennial late-comer by taking concrete measure like setting your watch in advance. Get plenty of rest at night so waking up early won't be such a chore. If you really have punctuality issues, seek help from others. Perhaps your friends can set up a reward system that will encourage you to come on time, every time.
Being Honest - An honest person shows courage by standing up for the truth or facing the truth despite the possible repercussions. just when you thought a little lie was harmless, it has already evolved into a rumor that can wreck a person's reputation. As the timeless saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy."
Unless absolutely necessary, stick to the truth at all times. But be careful not to confuse honesty with tactlessness.
If you want to tell you friend that she/he needs to improve her/his attitude, you can always do so in a nice manner. Being too up-front and argumentative might just her/his feelings.
Being Generous - Studies show that generous people are happy people. Why? It's simply because generosity invokes a sense of fulfillment that you were able to make a person's life better. It also gives you the idea that you have more than enough and your supply is full---that's why you are able to give. People also say that being generous attracts more blessings!
Do not wait for Christmas or a special occasion to feel the spirit of giving. There will always be someone waiting to receive what you have to share, so why not be generous now?
Generosity is not limited to material things either. Spending you time with others despite your busy schedule is also a selfless act. try going out and share an afternoon with a classmate who thinks he/she has few friends.
Being Patient - In this era when nearly everything is delivered faster than you can say "yes", the value of patience has become almost a thing of the past. The influx of everything "instant" has diminished the value of patience, when in fact, this understated virtue is a hallmark of maturity and perseverance.
Don't throw tantrums when the waiter takes forever to give your order. Even if you're entitled to good service, it doesn't give you the license to stomp your feet and be mean to the people serving you. Instead, focus your energy on telling the service crew nicely what they need to work on. In the same way, don't act out when your parents don't grant your requests right away or when you don't get what you want in an instant. Do away with the "I want it right here, right now" attitude, and remember that good things come to those who wait.
Being Kind - If an "unlike" button were among Facebook's features, nitpickers or judgmental people would be delighted. But who wants to hang-out with people who keep criticizing what others do? Kind people attract more friends because they look beyond the flaws and zero in on the positive.
Go easy on the nasty comments. Though you may be making a witty or funny remark, resist the urge to bash a certain celebrity or even what your crush's partner. Michael Jackson's song says it best: "Take a look at yourself and then make an change."
Sometimes, being overly critical of others exposes the nitpicker's hidden insecurities. So remember, when you don't have anything nice to say, it's best to keep you mouth shut.
Develop your relationship with these traits and you'll find it fulfilling.
Say "po" and "opo" to elders, including your household help, the village security guard, and those who serve you lunch at the canteen/cafeteria. When you feel like you're about to have a brat attack (whether big or small), hold it right there. Think of the possible consequences your words or actions might create.

When talking to someone, look the person in the eyes and pay attention to what the person is saying. If you absolutely need to text or answer a call, excuse yourself. Think it this way---you wouldn't want others to listen to their iPod while you're speaking, would you?

Just because you're all grown up doesn't mean you're exempted from saying these simple yet often forgotten words. Whenever you say "please" or "thank you", accompany them with a smile. If you are saying "sorry", make sure it's a genuine apology.
Being Punctual - Don't you just hate it when you spend so much time waiting for people who are late? Being punctual shows that you respect other people's time. If your group agrees to meet a certain time for an activity, for instance, one person's delay creates a ripple-effect. Thus, the activity ends later than expected.
Being punctual is an attitude you must develop because it fosters professionalism, which you'll need in college and when you start working.
Avoid being labeled as the perennial late-comer by taking concrete measure like setting your watch in advance. Get plenty of rest at night so waking up early won't be such a chore. If you really have punctuality issues, seek help from others. Perhaps your friends can set up a reward system that will encourage you to come on time, every time.

Unless absolutely necessary, stick to the truth at all times. But be careful not to confuse honesty with tactlessness.
If you want to tell you friend that she/he needs to improve her/his attitude, you can always do so in a nice manner. Being too up-front and argumentative might just her/his feelings.

Do not wait for Christmas or a special occasion to feel the spirit of giving. There will always be someone waiting to receive what you have to share, so why not be generous now?
Generosity is not limited to material things either. Spending you time with others despite your busy schedule is also a selfless act. try going out and share an afternoon with a classmate who thinks he/she has few friends.

Don't throw tantrums when the waiter takes forever to give your order. Even if you're entitled to good service, it doesn't give you the license to stomp your feet and be mean to the people serving you. Instead, focus your energy on telling the service crew nicely what they need to work on. In the same way, don't act out when your parents don't grant your requests right away or when you don't get what you want in an instant. Do away with the "I want it right here, right now" attitude, and remember that good things come to those who wait.

Go easy on the nasty comments. Though you may be making a witty or funny remark, resist the urge to bash a certain celebrity or even what your crush's partner. Michael Jackson's song says it best: "Take a look at yourself and then make an change."
Sometimes, being overly critical of others exposes the nitpicker's hidden insecurities. So remember, when you don't have anything nice to say, it's best to keep you mouth shut.
Develop your relationship with these traits and you'll find it fulfilling.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Attention GIRLS: About Modesty (Male's point of view)
Everytime ko moadto sa mga malls, labi na sa Ayala, naa dyod koy mabantayan na mga girls na kung moporma halos maghubo na...hehehe mura bag talaba na inablihan na daan... eye catcher lagi kaayo for a girl samot nag puti wawawowoow...hehehe pero deep within lahi man gud amo bation ani. Kana bang bisan ganahan me morespect, it's an automatic reaction na kanang anang pormahang mga bayhana-agresibo. I'm not saying that ang mga lalaki, judgemental. Unsaon kay ang nerves sa brain namo ana man dyod ang mensahe dayon.
Yes, it nice to be updated in fashion, but unta girls should consider modesty above all, dili na murag darna na ang inyo pang-itaas unya ang ubos ninyo murag na mog nakuwangan sa tela na halos mogawas na ang inyo pusod saying 'hi' its getting hot in here' hahahaha...
Tagsa nalang ko kitag babaye na magbisteda, kana bang pang 90's ang look. Magpalda ug modest kaayo manamit. Kana bang marespetaran sa unang tingin. Girls..i agree nindot man nang sexy ba, sexy kaayo mamisti, kaayo ha, kay abi center of attraction. Tanang mata sa guys mamagnet dyod, (apil ko ana pero di ko magdugay tan-aw unsa celebrity? mogara palang noon...hahahaha )pero ang question what kind of guys are you attracting? Good guys or maniac ones? eheheeh....amigang sexy sauna asked me this question na puro jerk daw iya ma-attract, tubag sad ko na ang perception man gud sa guy nimo kay hotchick, kana bang pag-goodtime ug uyabon for fun ug para pasuya sa ubang laki. Wa katubag si inday...pinaakbay nalang ko for comfort...humuta oi...wheeewww...heheheee
I dont know if you'll agree with me, but modesty always attract good guys. Guys ba na kamao morespetar. Good guys are looking for good girls na naa say respetar sa iya kaugalingon..the way she talks, the way she dress. Kung naa kay kaila na maayong laki pero hilig ug mga babayeng grabe kung magpasexy...delikado na, naa nay hidden disaster mind set nang lakiha.
So girls?... simplicity and modesty will always make you look great..and mind you...modesty for me is also fashion. Simple styles that looks so sweet and cute will also makes you...center of my attraction ayy..este...erase the word MY. eheheehe... Center of attraction lang diay.
You dont need to show too much skin. It's how you project yourself and treat other people....attracting them with your sweetness and kindness.
Yes, it nice to be updated in fashion, but unta girls should consider modesty above all, dili na murag darna na ang inyo pang-itaas unya ang ubos ninyo murag na mog nakuwangan sa tela na halos mogawas na ang inyo pusod saying 'hi' its getting hot in here' hahahaha...
Tagsa nalang ko kitag babaye na magbisteda, kana bang pang 90's ang look. Magpalda ug modest kaayo manamit. Kana bang marespetaran sa unang tingin. Girls..i agree nindot man nang sexy ba, sexy kaayo mamisti, kaayo ha, kay abi center of attraction. Tanang mata sa guys mamagnet dyod, (apil ko ana pero di ko magdugay tan-aw unsa celebrity? mogara palang noon...hahahaha )pero ang question what kind of guys are you attracting? Good guys or maniac ones? eheheeh....amigang sexy sauna asked me this question na puro jerk daw iya ma-attract, tubag sad ko na ang perception man gud sa guy nimo kay hotchick, kana bang pag-goodtime ug uyabon for fun ug para pasuya sa ubang laki. Wa katubag si inday...pinaakbay nalang ko for comfort...humuta oi...wheeewww...heheheee
I dont know if you'll agree with me, but modesty always attract good guys. Guys ba na kamao morespetar. Good guys are looking for good girls na naa say respetar sa iya kaugalingon..the way she talks, the way she dress. Kung naa kay kaila na maayong laki pero hilig ug mga babayeng grabe kung magpasexy...delikado na, naa nay hidden disaster mind set nang lakiha.
So girls?... simplicity and modesty will always make you look great..and mind you...modesty for me is also fashion. Simple styles that looks so sweet and cute will also makes you...center of my attraction ayy..este...erase the word MY. eheheehe... Center of attraction lang diay.
You dont need to show too much skin. It's how you project yourself and treat other people....attracting them with your sweetness and kindness.
Monday, November 1, 2010
To Guys: 100 Facts You Should Know About Girls!
Guys, guys.. Is there a time that you are really confused on what to do with her? And you just dn't know why she is like that? Well, this article is for you.. Hope you all will learn from this.
1. Girls like guys with sense of humor.
2. Girls hate guys who always brag about themselves.
3. It’s a rare thing for girls to go for flings unlike many guys do.
4. Take a close look at this paradox: Girls are generally impulsive buyers but are good in budgeting.
5. Too sweet girls are usually the naggers.
6. Your girlfriend can either jokingly or seriously get jealous over your basketball games.
7. Girls are very suspicious human beings.
8. A guy oughta understand his girl’s mood swings specially when she has her monthly period.
9. Girls love to chat about anything.
10. Girls easily get carried away by their emotions.
11. You must tell a girl that you are courting her. Unless you make an obvious proposal, she could either play numb or be really numb of your feelings for her.
12. The girl who gives you a quick "yes" could either be too impulsive.
13. A girl’s decision is always changeable.
14. It is really hard to trace why girls are unpredictable.
15. Girls can easily change their mind because of hearsays.
16. Girls hate guys who gossip.
17. You would know that a girl likes you if she laughs even at your corniest joke and even pays attention at your nonsense talk.
18. You can hook a girl by knowing her interests.
19. It is a fact that girls, since the brith of the world, can be professional flirts using their magical charms.
20. Girls hate it when you make them wait.
21. Girls love babies.
22. If you’re truly in love with a girl, you will have a hard time to convince her telling so.
23. Girls don’t take a full meal especially when they are on a diet. but they love to eat junkfood, sweets or fruits in between meals that can double up a full meal.
24. Beware: a girl knows how to persuade you that you could do her a favor through her charisma or seductive body language without you knowing it.
25. Girls are flattered when you make them melt in your eyes, but they would do anything just to show disapproval.
26. Girls are every conscious people.
27. Girls hate guys who whistle at their back. The act makes them look like cheap.
28. Girls hate guys who hurt them physically.
29. A girl is not necessarily after a guy with towering height. He just has to be taller then she is.
30. Girls generally do not court guys which make you guys so lucky to have their privilege to court your pick.
31. Girls who court guys are desperate. It is awkward to see a girl courting a guy.
32. Girls usually compete unconsciously among themselves especially when it comes to beauty.
33. Girls love pampering and being pampered by their boyfriends. So be careful, this can lead her to be possessive.
34. Never spoil a girl. Someday, if you fail to do a favor for her, she could lay the blame on you after all you did to her.
35. Girls have changeable moods.
36. Girls love being serenaded. The spookiest and the corniest thing that you do is for her the most romantic and the most memorable.
37. Girls like smart guys.
38. Girls like neat and presentable guys.
39. If you’re thinking that girls are very particular with a guy’s looks, then it’s time for you to make a paradigm shift. It’s actually the attitude and the way you treat them that they mostly fall for.
40. Girls can keep their deepest darkest secrets for a lifetime unlike guys who are very open about themselves.
41. Girls are the ones who can make a relationship stay longer but they don’t want to have the dominating character over their boyfriend.
42. You should let her cool first before you say sorry, otherwise she won’t accept your apology.
43. Girls usually go for older guys.
44. Like Eve, a girl is man’s weakness.
45. Girls are generally pitiful and merciful.
46. Girls are physically weaker than guys but are emotionally stronger when problems arise.
47. Girls easily cry. That is why they are rarely violent because they ventilate themselves through crying.
48. A girl smokes and drinks though she knows it’s not a good impression on her.
49. Girls love gentlemen.
50. Girls like guys who can protect and defend them. You don’t have to be a macho man though.
51. Girls hate weaklings. It’s enough that their gender has the weakest physique of all human being.
52. A girl can be fond of an effeminate. They may fall in love with a gay under considerable reasons.
53. Girls are constantly demure when guys (especially their crushes) are around but can be wild behind their back.
54. A girl hates it when her friend squeals about her crushes or secrets.
55. A girl that has admired a stranger could research even the least and nonsense bits of info about him.
56. Girls are generally more organized people than guys.
57. Girls wear makeup not because they are not confident with how they look but because they want to highlight their physical assets.
58. Girls like guys with electrical and carpentering skills. These assure them that they can handle even the smallest and peculiar thing.
59. Girls like McGyver-like guys who can easily look for a way out when situations corner them.
60. Girls are generally good in subjects like Language and Social Science than Mathematics and General Science.
61. If a girl says "no," believe her. If a girl really likes you, she wouldn’t give you a "no." She’ll give you hanging messages instead.
62. Girls only play hard-to-get when they think her crush or suitor finds her obvious that she has feelings for him.
63. Girls have legions of insecurities.
64. Girls also stammer when they’re talking to the guy they truly admire.
65. Girls have innumerable crushes but her heart belongs only to one guy.
66. Girls mature faster and grow older than guys their same age.
67. Girls are more prone to getting fat easily.
68. Girls love receiving letters.
69. Girls are mostly panic-buyers and worriers.
70. Girls love surprises.
71. It is false humility girls show when they’re given compliments.
72. It is by playing tame pussycat but you tame the shrew.
73. Before you court a girl, study her inside out.
74. Girls are particular in getting, grouping, or having things in one color.
75. It’s hard for a girl to recover from her past.
76. A girls prefers to learn about relationships from novels than through experience.
77. Psychologists proved that a girl, who was molested at a very young age, loses her self esteem and develops negative attitude towards other people.
78. A girl can easily forgive you if you are sincere with your apology.
79. A girl can only be healed from her past through the enabling touch of God.
80. Girls murmur a lot or make tantrums when they get irritated. They can control their emotions but not their temper.
81. Girls easily get watery eyed over telenovelas and dramas.
82. A girl gets annoyed to a guy who pushes himself so hard to get her.
83. Girls act snob to guys either they like too much or hate too much.
84. A girl can suppress her feelings if she knows that a relationship wouldn’t work.
85. Girls are weight conscious.
86. If a guy is too innocent about handling a relationship, a girl would rather dump him.
87. Girls love being wooed.
88. A girl would flaunt her assets just to hook you.
89. Immature guys are out from girl’s list.
90. There’s somehow a prick in a girl, who busted you, when she learns you’re courting another girl, she’ll thinks that that girl would rather dump you also.
91. A girl can make you wait for years in courting her but could eventually give you a "no" in the long run.
92. It is not always because she said "yes" that she likes or love you. She could have just said it for superficial reasons.
93. A girl loves talking all alone with the guy she’s truly in love with especially in romantic and isolated places.
94. Girls drool a lot over shopping malls.
95. Girls like guys with broad shoulders and breasts.
96. Girls admire sports-minded guys a lot.
97. High heels increases a girl’s poise on a catwalk.
98. Girls love guys who can bear with what they feel.
99. Girls are genetically sensitive.
100. Unless a girl enters Nursing, Biology, or medical courses or profession, she will always have that irk from seeing blood and will always repel to see, smell, or even hear disgusting stuff
NOTE: Girls act as a strong human being for her to protect herself
If you have questions or you do not understand some of them, please feel free to post them here.
1. Girls like guys with sense of humor.
2. Girls hate guys who always brag about themselves.
3. It’s a rare thing for girls to go for flings unlike many guys do.
4. Take a close look at this paradox: Girls are generally impulsive buyers but are good in budgeting.
5. Too sweet girls are usually the naggers.
6. Your girlfriend can either jokingly or seriously get jealous over your basketball games.
7. Girls are very suspicious human beings.
8. A guy oughta understand his girl’s mood swings specially when she has her monthly period.
9. Girls love to chat about anything.
10. Girls easily get carried away by their emotions.
11. You must tell a girl that you are courting her. Unless you make an obvious proposal, she could either play numb or be really numb of your feelings for her.
12. The girl who gives you a quick "yes" could either be too impulsive.
13. A girl’s decision is always changeable.
14. It is really hard to trace why girls are unpredictable.
15. Girls can easily change their mind because of hearsays.
16. Girls hate guys who gossip.
17. You would know that a girl likes you if she laughs even at your corniest joke and even pays attention at your nonsense talk.
18. You can hook a girl by knowing her interests.
19. It is a fact that girls, since the brith of the world, can be professional flirts using their magical charms.
20. Girls hate it when you make them wait.
21. Girls love babies.
22. If you’re truly in love with a girl, you will have a hard time to convince her telling so.
23. Girls don’t take a full meal especially when they are on a diet. but they love to eat junkfood, sweets or fruits in between meals that can double up a full meal.
24. Beware: a girl knows how to persuade you that you could do her a favor through her charisma or seductive body language without you knowing it.
25. Girls are flattered when you make them melt in your eyes, but they would do anything just to show disapproval.
26. Girls are every conscious people.
27. Girls hate guys who whistle at their back. The act makes them look like cheap.
28. Girls hate guys who hurt them physically.
29. A girl is not necessarily after a guy with towering height. He just has to be taller then she is.
30. Girls generally do not court guys which make you guys so lucky to have their privilege to court your pick.
31. Girls who court guys are desperate. It is awkward to see a girl courting a guy.
32. Girls usually compete unconsciously among themselves especially when it comes to beauty.
33. Girls love pampering and being pampered by their boyfriends. So be careful, this can lead her to be possessive.
34. Never spoil a girl. Someday, if you fail to do a favor for her, she could lay the blame on you after all you did to her.
35. Girls have changeable moods.
36. Girls love being serenaded. The spookiest and the corniest thing that you do is for her the most romantic and the most memorable.
37. Girls like smart guys.
38. Girls like neat and presentable guys.
39. If you’re thinking that girls are very particular with a guy’s looks, then it’s time for you to make a paradigm shift. It’s actually the attitude and the way you treat them that they mostly fall for.
40. Girls can keep their deepest darkest secrets for a lifetime unlike guys who are very open about themselves.
41. Girls are the ones who can make a relationship stay longer but they don’t want to have the dominating character over their boyfriend.
42. You should let her cool first before you say sorry, otherwise she won’t accept your apology.
43. Girls usually go for older guys.
44. Like Eve, a girl is man’s weakness.
45. Girls are generally pitiful and merciful.
46. Girls are physically weaker than guys but are emotionally stronger when problems arise.
47. Girls easily cry. That is why they are rarely violent because they ventilate themselves through crying.
48. A girl smokes and drinks though she knows it’s not a good impression on her.
49. Girls love gentlemen.
50. Girls like guys who can protect and defend them. You don’t have to be a macho man though.
51. Girls hate weaklings. It’s enough that their gender has the weakest physique of all human being.
52. A girl can be fond of an effeminate. They may fall in love with a gay under considerable reasons.
53. Girls are constantly demure when guys (especially their crushes) are around but can be wild behind their back.
54. A girl hates it when her friend squeals about her crushes or secrets.
55. A girl that has admired a stranger could research even the least and nonsense bits of info about him.
56. Girls are generally more organized people than guys.
57. Girls wear makeup not because they are not confident with how they look but because they want to highlight their physical assets.
58. Girls like guys with electrical and carpentering skills. These assure them that they can handle even the smallest and peculiar thing.
59. Girls like McGyver-like guys who can easily look for a way out when situations corner them.
60. Girls are generally good in subjects like Language and Social Science than Mathematics and General Science.
61. If a girl says "no," believe her. If a girl really likes you, she wouldn’t give you a "no." She’ll give you hanging messages instead.
62. Girls only play hard-to-get when they think her crush or suitor finds her obvious that she has feelings for him.
63. Girls have legions of insecurities.
64. Girls also stammer when they’re talking to the guy they truly admire.
65. Girls have innumerable crushes but her heart belongs only to one guy.
66. Girls mature faster and grow older than guys their same age.
67. Girls are more prone to getting fat easily.
68. Girls love receiving letters.
69. Girls are mostly panic-buyers and worriers.
70. Girls love surprises.
71. It is false humility girls show when they’re given compliments.
72. It is by playing tame pussycat but you tame the shrew.
73. Before you court a girl, study her inside out.
74. Girls are particular in getting, grouping, or having things in one color.
75. It’s hard for a girl to recover from her past.
76. A girls prefers to learn about relationships from novels than through experience.
77. Psychologists proved that a girl, who was molested at a very young age, loses her self esteem and develops negative attitude towards other people.
78. A girl can easily forgive you if you are sincere with your apology.
79. A girl can only be healed from her past through the enabling touch of God.
80. Girls murmur a lot or make tantrums when they get irritated. They can control their emotions but not their temper.
81. Girls easily get watery eyed over telenovelas and dramas.
82. A girl gets annoyed to a guy who pushes himself so hard to get her.
83. Girls act snob to guys either they like too much or hate too much.
84. A girl can suppress her feelings if she knows that a relationship wouldn’t work.
85. Girls are weight conscious.
86. If a guy is too innocent about handling a relationship, a girl would rather dump him.
87. Girls love being wooed.
88. A girl would flaunt her assets just to hook you.
89. Immature guys are out from girl’s list.
90. There’s somehow a prick in a girl, who busted you, when she learns you’re courting another girl, she’ll thinks that that girl would rather dump you also.
91. A girl can make you wait for years in courting her but could eventually give you a "no" in the long run.
92. It is not always because she said "yes" that she likes or love you. She could have just said it for superficial reasons.
93. A girl loves talking all alone with the guy she’s truly in love with especially in romantic and isolated places.
94. Girls drool a lot over shopping malls.
95. Girls like guys with broad shoulders and breasts.
96. Girls admire sports-minded guys a lot.
97. High heels increases a girl’s poise on a catwalk.
98. Girls love guys who can bear with what they feel.
99. Girls are genetically sensitive.
100. Unless a girl enters Nursing, Biology, or medical courses or profession, she will always have that irk from seeing blood and will always repel to see, smell, or even hear disgusting stuff
NOTE: Girls act as a strong human being for her to protect herself
If you have questions or you do not understand some of them, please feel free to post them here.
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