Friday, November 5, 2010

100 Things Anime Can Teach You

100 things I learned in anime.

1. Any color ever imagined is a natural hair color.

2. No matter where you are hit or how minor the injury you will bleed out of your mouth.

3. All living things(and some non-living things) contain 50 gallons of blood and every single bit will pour out or shoot out geiser style if you get injured.

4. Nver truse the bald guy. Even if he isn't pure evil, he'll have a major case of ass-holeishness.

5. Nobody's hair is subject to the laws of gravity.

6. It's not really a dog, it's never really a dog.

7. The old guy is the most perverted person ever. Or the most powerful. Or both.

8. Not showing your whole face doubles or triples your power.

9. Other worlds are found in incredibly random places.

10. He's your father.

11. If it talks to you, you're crazy.

12. If it talks to everyone but you, you're crazy.

13. Your eyes must be 3x the size of your nose.

14. You don't necessarily need a nose.

15. Being friends with the main character will automatically cause freaky stuff to happen to you.

16. Your hair will blow in the wind during a dramatic moment even in pouring rain or when there is no other breeze for 50 miles.

17. You're never too young to fight monsters.

18. If you are a girl, your panties will be shown at least once, no matter what.

19. They will be either all white, or have some kind of animal on them.

20. If you're a girl, the less clothes you wear the better you are at fighting.

21. Or you will be compleetly annoying and of no use at all, and will probably either get in the way or cry hysterically. Or do both at the same time.

22. No matter how small you are, you can totally lift that weapon.

23. If you're cute enough, bubbles will spontaneously erupt behind you at random moments.

24. If it's undenyably impossible in real life, don't worry, you can totally pull it off.

25. There is always at least one lesbian, always...

26. Sleeping heals everything...EVERYTHING. So do bandages around your stomach.

27. The robots will either be the size of a skyscraper or the size of a pencil case. Or they can do both. Or be a car.

28. Pupils? Psh, who needs em. Most likely if you don't have pupils, you have better power than those who do.

29. The cuter the animal is the more gruesome it will be when it kills you.

30. Travel of any form will either take 3 seconds, or 30 episodes.

31. Staying in one place for more than one season is referred to as 'being on Namek'.

32. Questioning the main character will get you killed, or at least smacked.

33. Questioning anything about the world you live in or the world you were somehow sent to will get you killed, or at least smacked.

34. If you find yourself a.) 2 feet taller or b.) 3 cup sizes bigger. Congratulations, you have just been through a time skip.

35. You will either have to save your sister or kill your brother. Or both.

36. One punch will fling you through a wall. And you will stand up, wipe off the dust, and be fine.

37. There is at least two people wearing goggles.

38. No matter how many explosions you survive, the love interest can kill you with one shot.

39. It will take either 297 episodes for the love interest to kiss you or it will never happen.

40. No matter how ugly you are, wings make you amazingly hott.

41. You're lips don't really have to match what you're saying.

42. You will sound absoutely horrible in english.

43. The day you find the robot in the trash will be the best day of your life, no matter what.

44. If it has more than two tails, it'll totally kick your ass.

45. Screaming  for an obnoxiously long period of time or drawing out the name of your attack for a full minute will make it awesome, no matter what.

46. The girl in the schoolgirl uniform is way more powerfull than you.

47. The longer the guy's hair, or the worse his attitude the sexier everyone thinks he is.

48. Flashbacks...many of them.

49. Slow motion...alot of it.

50. Every fight will contain a clip of a perticularly good hit and will show it at least three times in 12 different angles and at least one close up.

51. You will be asked to do totally random and pointless things for filler while the writers try to catch up.

52. If your boobs wouldn't break your spine in real life then you probably won't last for more than a few episodes.

53. Your outfit will defy gravity.

54. If you stand on or near a cliff, you will have a painfull flashback.

55. Epic battle music.

56. Dramatic close ups.

57. It's not facepaint, it's a birthmark. Or sleep deprivation.

58. The ancient prophecy will always turn out bad for you.

59. You will either be an orphan or be asked to kill a family member.

60. The main bad guy with either want to take over somtihng or destroy somthing, or both.

61. The opening sequence has absolutely nothing to do with the main story, but looks really good anyway.

62. Somebody has magical powers.

63. Nobody has body hair unless it's there for a joke.

64. There will be long boring speeches explaining why the good guy is good and why the bad guy is bad and how the bad guy is, better than, or just like the good guy because of these reasons.

65. The bad guy will try to bring the good guy over to his side.

66. The title doesn't have to have anything to do with the story, or even make sense.

67.Someone has amnesia, or at least has forgotten some important event.

68. The quiet girl is in love with you, and the girl you love either doesn't know, doesn't care, or loves your bitter rival.

69. Nobody ever has to use the bathroom, unless it's for a joke.

70. Somebody will have some sort of transformation, probably into an animal.

71. If you are so much as in the same episode as somebody else, there is automatically a group of rabbid fans drawing what your kids would look like.

72. Everyone's eyebrows are either one line or very wierd looking.

73. Extreem blushing.

74. The smallest person will eat the most food.

75. There will always be a giant version of some animal. And you will either have to ride it, kill it, or protect it.

76. There will be at least one overly muscular stupid guy.

77. If you can't tell if it's a boy or a girl, even after you hear them talk, it's probably a boy.

78. Cross-dressing will be required to get away from a bad guy, and the task will probably fall to either the main character, or the biggest ugliest guy on the team.

79. Shadows do not have to make sence.

80. If you're eye is covered by hair, it will take somthing like a nuclear explosion to move it. Or a plot device.

81. Dramatic lighting and single rays of light can turn any moment into a profound and meaningful moment.

82. Breathing under water? Totally possible.

83. Any character can be subject to a dramatic gender change at random.

84. If a hat is a regular part of your normal outfit you could be hanging upside down underwater on the moon and it will stay on.

85. Space is totally habitable.

86. Lazers out of any body part is always helpful.

87. Nothing in the entire series has to make any sence.

88. Anything can be a pet, if you can catch it.

89. Anything, no matter how big, can be shoved into a little ball and released into a fight at random.

90. You can be 10 years old for 12 years.

91. No matter what the bad guy's evil plan is, it requires the love interest in some way shape or form.

92. Your new move, while powerfull, will either risk your life every time, or will only be seen twice.

93. Your super secret special weapon won't work the way you intended.

94. The people who live in the 90 degree weather will wear black.

95. Guitars make great weapons.

96. There will be an episode where the main character takes his shirt off. It's just for the fangirls. Enjoy.

97. Full frontal, yet 'cleverly' censored nudity will always end badly.

98. Hotsprings can be found anywhere.

99. Everything a character says can be turned into innuendo.

100. 500 episodes or 14, the ending will always suck.

by rideaseeker629

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